Things don’t have to change the world to be important- Steve Jobs 

Changes are what makes history. Whether that be a big change or small, it matters. Only you can change your life and only I can change mine. Only I can decide to change my style, my habits or how I live. I’ve already started changing my life and so far it feels great and it will only keep getting better. Sure there will be ups and downs but in the long run, small changes that seem insignificant to begin with will turn into something massive

I’ve always wanted to write so now I am. I’m going for it. I’m changing my life. Yes, it’s a very small change but it’s an important one. You never know what could come from it, probably nothing, but there is a possibility for something phenomenal. And that possibility is something I cannot risk to give up.

This is my beginning. I’m going to be writing about things that interest me and hopefully you too, gaining experience in writing as I do so. 

Tips for change: 

  1. Start now- Never say “I’ll start it tomorrow”, that is a never ending ‘promise’ or should I say never starting? Whether that be a promise to eat healthier or a promise to take up a new hobby, start now not later!
  2. Keep motivated- Set reminders to do what you are introducing into your life so you don’t forget and loose interest in it.
  3. One at a time- Don’t jampack your life with everything at once, you will soon get overwhelmed and give up. When you have started something new, stick at it until it is fully integrated into your life, then start another change.

So that’s it. My first blog post and certainly not my last. This is only a small introduction of all the ideas I have buzzing around in my brain of mine, so hopefully you’ll find something you like.

Bye for now – Jamie x